GCSE Chemistry: Increased Results for Lower Performing Students
Course Code: T0179
For Combined students, the academic level and volume of content in the new Chemistry Combined GCSE can have a detrimental effect on their overall Science grade. This brand-new course is aimed at teachers working with mixed ability and lower attaining students who are looking to maximise the student potential in their Combined and Triple Chemistry GCSE. The course covers a range of effective teaching and assessment strategies, monitoring, early intervention and exam technique and approaches that improve confidence, effort and achievement. The course provides a comprehensive toolkit that adds value and will help learners excel in their exam performance. The course is designed for teachers of AQA GCSE Chemistry, but would be of benefit to teachers of other exam boards as well.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Utilise techniques to quickly identify underperformance and implement effective support strategies for success
- Increased understanding of how to motivate underachieving learners and improve exam performance
- How to teach challenging topics
- Techniques for tackling synoptic and data handling questions with confidence
- Develop effective teaching and learning techniques to help lower ability learners to retain knowledge and better understand concepts
- How to prepare your students for questions examining the required practical's
- Equip you with strategies to support students and accelerate their progress
Understanding the Issue
10.00am- Using current pedagogy to understand why do less able students struggle with the Chemistry content
- How to embed subject knowledge and assess understanding so that lower ability leaners thrive
- Developing synoptic skills to understand and link key concepts
- Effectively teaching practical skills and comprehension so that students can maximise marks in levelled questions
- Monitoring & early intervention strategies that positively impact on student performance
- Planning your teaching order for students to learn the basics and encourage confidence
11:30amIdentifying the Topics in Paper 1 that cause issues and finding solutions
11.45am- Breaking down the Periodic Table
- The language of structure and bonding; and how to reduce the number of lessons to embed the fundamental concepts
- Calculations; methods to help students understand the content that will make the difference
- Ideas and activities to embed the key terms
- Strategies to improve exam technique in practical-based questions
12.45pmIdentifying the Topics in Paper 2 that cause issues and finding solutions
1.30pm- The language of Le Chatelier to facilitate understanding in all students
- Embedding the basics; pure, formulations, chromatography and gas tests
- Explore how the atmosphere and pollutants can be demystified
- Making Potable water and LCA’s interesting
- Ideas and activities to embed the key terms
- Strategies to improve exam technique in practical-based question
Exam technique skills that make the difference
2.30pm- Embed exam technique into your teaching to enhance the performance of lower ability students
- Driving student progress through marking and feedback
- Methods to help students understand how the exam are marked and ways to help students use this knowledge
- Understand from an Examiner the key areas where weaker students lose marks
GCSE Chemistry: Increased Results for Lower Performing Students

Dee Martin is Head of Chemistry & STEM at Prince Henry’s High School in Evesham, an Academy with a non-selective intake. She is a Chief AQA and OCR A-Level Chemistry examiner. Dee currently delivers revision courses to schools across the country guiding teachers in preparing for exams and helping to raise student grades.