New to Teaching AQA GCSE Psychology
Course Code: T0323
This new course offers an introduction and overview to effectively teach AQA GCSE Psychology. The course is ideal for all teachers starting to teach AQA GCSE Psychology, regardless of exam board and will provide teachers with all the necessary skills that are specific to the delivery of AQA GCSE Psychology, such as maths, research methods, neuropsychology, mental health, issues, debates, approaches, difficult theories/ studies, and exam technique focusing on how to best implement the different assessment objectives in your everyday teaching. This course will also give details of the standards expected for student to achieve well in exams and also detail on what examiners are looking for to award grades 7-9. Finally, the course will give as boost to teacher confidence, especially new teachers and those teaching AQA GCSE Psychology for the first time.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING
- Gain a clear overview of the structure, key points, challenge areas and levels of learning required for AQA GCSE Psychology
- Gain a range of creative, interesting teaching approaches and strategies for teaching AQA GCSE Psychology including difficult concepts
- Take away clear understanding of the exam structure, how exams are marked, levels required, common errors to avoid
- Provide new teachers of AQA GCSE Psychology the material, skills and confidence to teach effectively to all ability ranges
- Take away a range of activities and resources that you can implement in your teaching immediately
Overview of GCSE Psychology Structure and Highlighting Difficult Concepts
- Comprehensive overview of AQA GCSE Psychology curriculum, emphasising challenging concepts and exam questions
- Strategic approaches to introducing and teaching complex concepts, exploring integration and standalone methods
- Identifying time-savers and time-stealers, which difficult concepts take the longest for understanding to develop and need to be revisited and which parts of concepts can be scaffolded or flipped
Assessment Objectives and Teaching the Skills of AQA GCSE Psychology
- Analysing the weighting of AO1/2/3 in exams, with comparisons to other subjects and levels
- The difference in difficulty and skills required from GCSE students
- How to best teach AO1, AO2, AO3 looking at key areas e.g. how to be critical, elaborating on evaluative points, how to create a balanced argument in essays
- How to split lesson time to effectively cover AO skills and how to see these skills in exam questions
- How to differentiate your lessons for flip, scaffold and extend based on the AO’s
Maths and Research Methods Essential Skills in AQA GCSE Psychology
- The 10% maths skills that will be examined; how to embed maths in psychology, cross-curricular support, descriptive statistics focus, analysing tables/graphs and typical exam questions measuring maths skills
- Psychological terminology and how to best deliver AO1/2/3 skills in Research Methods
- Cultivating student interest in Research Methods and acing exam-style questions
Neuropsychology and how to teach Mental Health to AQA GCSE Psychology Students
- Effective approaches to teaching AO1 with a focus on brain function and neurons, tied to exam techniques
- Methods to teaching AO2 and examples of go-to studies that demonstrate brain functioning and will inspire your students to what to know more along with specification studies broken down, with a focus on exam technique
- Ways to teach AO3 and link to issues, debates and approaches in psychology, with links to exam technique
- Approaches to teaching neuropsychology in fun, creative, interactive and memorable ways
- Techniques to teaching mental health (psychological problems) in a sensitive way, what to avoid and what to discuss
Theories, Studies, Issues, Debates and Approaches in AQA GCSE Psychology
- How to deliver theories using AO1/2/3, how much do they need to know, how to avoid over-teaching and focusing on exam technique l How to deliver studies using AO1/2/3, how to embed maths/research methods, how to make sample and results (numerical data) memorable and focusing on exam technique
- Teaching issues, such as Ethics
- How to teach debates, understanding both sides of the argument (AO1), using evidence to support (AO2) and how to evaluate these positions (AO3)
- How to structure a debate and how to use these skills in an extended essay in the exam
- Strategies to teach psychological approaches, when is best to teach these, how to find out which approach you belong to, adding meaning to theories/studies, and easy evaluation tips
Preparing for the Exams in AQA GCSE Psychology
- Synthesising AO1/2/3 skills across topics and question types, optimising performance
- Rapid recall and application of key terms (AO1), contextualization (AO2), and robust evaluation (AO3)
- Methods to support students to develop answers into detailed purposeful responses; linking to the question, key terms, contextualising, critical thinking and elaborating

New to Teaching AQA GCSE Psychology
Course Leader
Ali Abbas is a regular speaker at Educational Conferences and has been providing INSET to schools and colleges nationally, and now internationally since 2003 and was a key speaker at the Visible Learning World Conference, Edinburgh 2019 and the Aspire Psychology Conference, Dubai 2019. Ali is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (FCIEA) and is a published author at A level and GCSE Psychology. He has taught for over 20 years and was a Principal Examiner with 13 years’ experience in writing Psychology exam papers and awarding grades for a major exam board, he was also part of the team that wrote the current A level specification.